Previously on Uberhamster:
Animated Oven Mit - 2004-06-11
U.S. Amateur Teams, Day Three - 2004-02-16
U.S. Amateur Teams, Day 2 - 2004-02-15
U.S. Amateur Teams, Day 1 - 2004-02-14
A tit bit nipply - 2004-01-16

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2001-03-16 - 11:59 p.m.


Well, it's that time of year again.

Because I'm such a poorly organized person, doing my taxes is always a nightmare, and this year is no exception.

Of course, part of the problem is that I'm doing taxes for THREE people. Because I'm self-employed, my taxes are twice as complicated as any one individual person. Because my store is essentially a single proprietorship I have to just about completely open my books to the tax man: I have to list all the money that comes in and where it all goes out in deductions. I have to document it all with receipts and so on. It's a blizzard of paper.

And, of course, since my father is utterly incompetent, I have to do his taxes too. Thankfully since he's retired and living in an adult home that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

So until I get this all done I'm going to be all stressed out and cranky as I turn the Hamster Palace upside down looking at every scrap of paper that might have some important information written down on it.

Just so I can give about 1/3 of everything I make to the government.

Smile, everybody!

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