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2002-12-11 - 11:46 p.m.

Amazing Race: Curse of the Spoiler

No, no, no. There are no spoilers in this entry if you have seen the most recent episode of Amazing Race. It's ABOUT a dumbass spoiler.

As I've said on several occasions, I've been enjoying this season of Amazing Race a lot. It looks like the producers have worked out some kinks in the show and have practically made it so ANYONE can be eliminated any week. It's nerve wracking.

However, last week, I did a dumb thing.

After the last episode of AR I was fooling around at the CBS Amazing Race website when, out of curiosity, I clicked on the chat option. I was thereupon thrown into a chat room with about ten other people. It was listed as chat room #12350 or some such.

All the people in the chat room seemed to be males, and the main topic of conversation seemed to be how hott Flo (of team Flozac) was. Exsqueeze me? Flo, hott? Well, maybe if you put a paper bag over her personality. Whiny lumps like her really get on my nerves. Zach, her partner, must be stoned all the time to put up with her. Really.

From the level of conversation I thought I was in a room full of kids, but when they gave their ages, the youngest was 24 and most of the rest of them were in their 40s. Sheesh.

People kept entering the chat room, saying they missed the broadcast and asking who had been eliminated. When they were told that John Vito and Jill had been booted off the Magic Carpet they'd start to wail and moan. Brother, I feel your pain.

I was listening to the chat room with only half an ear when some numbnuts pastes something from another site - a spoiler about who was going to be eliminated the following week, and who the likely winners were.

Dumbass! I was so mad when I saw that! I don't want to see any spoilers! Foo!

Basically what the spoiler said was that the Wonder Twins would be eliminated the following week, and there had been a sighting of two teams at an airport either in Seattle or Washington, DC so the final winner was between those two teams. Notice carefully: I'm not telling you who those teams are, because I'd like to keep SOME suspense in the race.

I was hoping that the information would turn out to be bogus, so you can imagine my dismay when the twins were, in fact, eliminated this week. Drat! The spoiler idiot was right.

I really hate when that happens. That's what I get for wandering into strange chat rooms and listening to dorks.

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