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2002-10-12 - 11:40 p.m.

Hanging Out With Agness

Since Lily left on her trip to China, I've been something of a hermit. Either I'm fooling around with something at the Hamster Palace, working down in the comic store, or I'm doing something chess-related. I really have had absolutely no social life.

On Thursday my old friend Agness stopped by, but unfortunately she met me as I was on the way out the door. We agreed to meet up on Saturday and hang out.

It had been a while since Agness and I had really talked. Shortly after Agness came back from San Francisco Lily and I had her over for dinner, but that was months and months ago. Since then I have only caught Agness in passing.

Three years ago when Agness and I were hanging out frequently, she was living with her aunt, but now she has a place of her own. She even showed it to me. It was a little cramped, but homey. It was, of course, crammed full of comic paraphernalia, bought at my store. Agness is one of the foremost authority on Batman. If there is something about the Caped Crusader that Agness doesn't know, it's not worth knowing.

We had a pretty good time together, and talked about everything under the sun. Agness has a steady boyfriend, and they one year anniversary is coming up. Nobody could be more astonished than Agness at this. Well, good for her!

Agness has always had kind of an odd taste in men. I've seen her current beau, but I haven't really had a chance to talk to him one on one. Agnes' description of him makes him sound a little neurotic, but he is nice to her which is something most of her previous boyfriends weren't.

Something that we DIDN'T talk about was her old boyfriend Enrique, mentioned in the link above. I had a run-in with him a little while ago when a simple misunderstanding spiraled into a huge imbroglio when he dissed me in his Diaryland diary. In spite of the fact that I wasn't inclined to like him, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but when I read what he'd written, all sympathy vanished. As far as I'm concerned, he's an arrogant punk, an ethical void and not 10% as talented as he thinks he is. Well, that's all water under the bridge, but it's nice to vent. Sorry that most of you will have no idea what I'm talking about. If you really are curious, drop me an email and I'll tell you.

Agness even took me out to lunch and paid for it. This was especially nice of her, considering that she is currently working at a temp job that she is going to be leaving soon. I offered to pay for it, but she wouldn't hear of it. You're not going to be seeing me turning down free food! I ordered a club sandwich, and when I was done all that was left was a pile of bread and of course the French fries. Still have to stay away from all those carbs.

On the way out of the restaurant Agness handed me an after-dinner mint, which I popped in my mouth. Immediately outside the diner I took it out of my mouth and hurled it into a nearby bush. It was practically pure sugar, and therefore pure carbohydrate. What was I thinking?

It was great fun hanging out with Agness, and we'll have to do it again soon, but I don't know when since we are both so busy. Maybe when Lily gets back we can all go to a strip club together. That sounds like fun!

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