Previously on Uberhamster:
Animated Oven Mit - 2004-06-11
U.S. Amateur Teams, Day Three - 2004-02-16
U.S. Amateur Teams, Day 2 - 2004-02-15
U.S. Amateur Teams, Day 1 - 2004-02-14
A tit bit nipply - 2004-01-16

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2000-08-02 - 23:53:37

The Uberhamster is back! The long move is finally over! Sorry that I was gone so long, but Lily and I ran into a couple of unexpected snags. Basically because we tried to hurry, everything took longer than we thought it would.

We thought we could get away without using a U-Haul, just moving her stuff in our two cars, but we wound up having to make three grueling trips. Lily had more stuff than she thought she did, in spite of the fact that we threw out a whole bunch of it.

As I was packing the THIRD full box of shoes, it occurred to me: "My God, Imelda Marcos is moving in with me!"

Only kidding!

And I also have a little message for some of the drivers of a certain Eastern state. Yes, you know who you are. The message: "Hey you! The LEFT lane is for driving FAST! If you're not going to drive fast, then GET IN THE RIGHT LANE!"

Thank you.

I know this entry is kind of short, but there is still quite a bit of work to do. Over the last week I have let things slide here at the Hamster Empire, and now I have to play catch-up. Hopefully this extra work should clear up in the next few days.

I'd also like to thank my pal the Manager for filling in for me. Is he great, or what? I don't expect him to be doing any more entries here in the foreseeable future, but if he starts his own journal, I will let you all know.

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